
I think this is where a "dull" portfolio should start.

I am struggling with my starting point of building this whole chenglinzhang website though. My focus should be on building this portfolio (write contents). Another big one is the tech details of implementing this site nicely (like using React to reuse the many HTML components, writing some nice JS codes to do interesting things, or using backend frameworks to do some nicer things, whatever). But I am spending too much time on the UI components here. How to design the branding? How to arrange the page indexes? How to organize the components on a single page? What I see may just be a start.

This summer (in 2024) is like a break for me. I am learning how to live nicely. I am learning some Japanese. I am doing two coding stuff at two different organizations. I am struggling to work on the Python codes and building systems that I am not quite familiar with. Recently, I am also working on a user subscription system, but I don't know exactly if there are nicer ways to implement this (there must be) and how. The sad thing (or maybe a good thing) is that I can only rely on myself.

I find myself lose attraction sometimes. A force drags me to say something here. Hopefully I will keep on to writing more interesting contents (and nicer codes) (and nicer products).