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About Me


Hi! My name is Chenglin, the coalescence of Cheng (城, city) and Lin (林, greening). You can also call me Alan if you like. Alan from Alan Turing, Alan from Alan Shepard.

I am currently a rising senior at Duke Kunshan University, pursuing a degree of B.S. in Data Science. My potential Master’s program choices include Data Science, Operations Research, Statistical Practice, or ECE.

Immersed in a highly-interdisciplinary curriculum during my undergraduate studies, I am enthusiastic about bringing different disciplines together to tackle real-life challenges effectively, and creatively. I am very interested to see the application of Data Science in industry, particularly from the perspective of theoretical analysis (mathematical, statistical, etc.). Though not a typical computer science student, I also bear certain CS knowledge and development skills (algorithms, data structures, cloud computing, etc.), which are intended to empower my exploration of Data Science.

What is more, my skill sets span the research of environment and urban studies (which, interestingly, corresponds to my name). I have experience using ArcGIS for the study of climate and urban dynamics. And eventually, these precious data are integrated into mathematical models. The study of social dynamics also involves the usage of behavioral economics and political economy, which in turn provide me with insights into some projects. But, most importantly, the kind of knowledge would keep me awake both in the best, and in the worst of times.

My life…

My Skill Sets

To be more specific, my skill sets involve:

Programming (Python, Java, C++, experience in OOP)

Math Modeling & Statistics (MATLAB, SciPy, NumPy, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, R, LaTeX)

Data Acquisition & Visualization (Scrapy, Pandas, selenium, ArcGIS, Tableau, Plotly, Matplotlib, echarts.js, d3.js, etc.).

Knowledge with:

DevOps (Linux, SSH, Git, Docker, CI/CD)

Big Data Paradigms (MapReduce, PySpark, Hadoop HDFS)

Database Systems (SQL, Redis)

Web Development (JavaScript, Node-red, REST, Nginx, Hugo).

My Academic Interests

My Life